Love Foundation projects range from music events, arts exhibitions and sports tournaments to selling fair trade clothing and fashion shows. Our range of activities is continuously widening and we are always looking for new opportunities to spread the universal idea of love.
The centrepiece of the Love Foundation is our Love Logo, which is the connecting factor between all members and supporters of the foundation.


Our 5 pillars


Universal Love

We believe in universal and unconditional love. In love for humanity. Love is nothing else than respect. Respect to the people you meet, see and talk to everyday, understanding and acceptance, caring for your environment out of free will, and not out of a sense of duty or social obligation. Love is a force combining and connecting people, sometimes even for their whole lifetime. It is creating happiness, and communities. This is one of the beautiful reasons why the desire for Love is inherent to humans. It is one of the most natural feelings we have, and one of the most striking ones. But loving can and should go further than direct contact to whom, or what we love. Loving the earth, nature, but also other cultures, music, art, movies and food, cities and people are only a fragment of possibilities in which Love can manifest itself. Loving manifests itself by showing dignity, respect, understanding and trust towards each other in our communities, but also to other people outside of our perceived communities. Love has the power to unite us and to create positive change.  


Water for all

Water, much like love, is something humans struggle to live without. While statistics for people lacking love are curiously not available, we know that currently 1 out of every 10 people does not have access to safe water; four times as many have no safe sanitary infrastructure (toilets). The consequences of this stretch far beyond health issues: Water scarcity disrupts people’s lives in many ways, and slows down progress; In 2015, the World Economic Forum announced the water crisis to be the #1 global risk for impact on society. Love Foundation aims to combat this problem with a philosophy and modus operandi of love. We want to enable everybody on earth to love everybody on earth unconditionally, when we care about sustainability in all its aspects, when we believe in the power of the community, and when we realize that we can and should use these energies for our goals, access to clean drinking water for everybody on earth is the logical goal. Water is life. Therefore, our purpose next so spreading love is to enable the very poorest to feel joy, create long-lasting communities and families, by helping them to get the most important resource in life: Water.


Community Spirit

The power of the community, and the synergies created between humans by a community spirit, is what we believe to be one of the strongest drivers of social change. Therefore, we always work in teams, and never all by ourselves. We want to engage others to act and start doing. We want to motivate everyone to stop talking and to start doing. Together we grow our network and help humans achieve what they want to achieve. Alone it is difficult to achieve anything but together we can be strong. As a large community, we can bring necessary change to this world.  


 Joyful purpose

Every party, art exhibition, concert or project we organise always follows a joyful purpose. We come together to do everything out of and with joy. Joy is also what we want to create in every participant. We are all connected through joy, which in turn leads to a good feeling and a healthy state of mind. We believe in happiness. Joy is the link between us and everyone else. However, we also believe that everything should have a purpose. We don’t just want to do things for the sake of joy. Combining joy with purpose is what drives and motivates us.


Shared Sustainability

Beyond loving humans, we also love nature, the environment and planet earth. This means, that we care about sustainability in all its aspects, which goes beyond environmental sustainability, but also includes social sustainability and good governance.  We want to live in a sustainable world, where everyone cares about the planet we live on. A healthy planet is the foundation of a healthy life. We see it as the responsibility of organisations and businesses alike to operate in a sustainable way. We want to share this passion for sustainability with everyone and show people the beauty of a sustainable life.  

We do our best to organise all our projects as sustainable as we can. Together we can leave this planet in a better state than we found it.



1. What is our purpose?

Love Foundation’s overall purpose is to create meaningful positive change under the idea of universal love.

We do this in different ways:

We are a community creating a network of global citizens united under the ideal of universal love. We want to foster a global intercultural exchange to share and multiply knowledge, passions, ideas and skills within our community and beyond. We do this through providing open spaces for participation and creativity, where everyone is invited to contribute through their passions, curiosities and strengths. Through the activities that we do we aim to increase the overall amount of love and empathy in society.

This global community enables us to pursue the other core element of our purpose: generating funds through our activities in order to implement projects with social impact - locally and globally. Our developmental focus point lies in the provision of access to clean water for all human beings. It is important to us that we have a strong connection to our projects and that we can guarantee that all generated funds are efficiently and purposefully spent.

Everything that Love Foundation does is based on its five pillars.  These five pillars are the underlying motivation for every activity the LF undertakes. We believe, that all of the pillars flow naturally from the idea of universal love.

Unconditional Love

Love is the foundation of all our actions. We do what we do because we strive to love unconditionally. Our goal is to foster love, which inherits a respectful, tolerant and diverse understanding of our social and environmental surroundings. Therefore, we strive to create conditions and environments in which all aspects of love can truly flourish without any kind of restrictions.

Shared Sustainability

Loving is embodied in social sustainability, a notion that motivates us to create inclusive events that facilitate a platform for exchange and cultural togetherness through diversity. Next to our focus on social sustainability, we feel responsible to care for and protect our natural environment. Therefore, we consider environmental sustainability to be a core principle leading to our aim of positive social and environmental change.

Community Spirit

The power of the community, and the synergies created between humans by a community spirit, is what we believe to be one of the strongest drivers of social change. Our own organizational structure enables co-creation, through flat hierarchies, mutual respect, open communication and recognition of diverging opinions.

In order to create and facilitate positive social change we do not only try to contribute to our fundraising projects abroad but also have an impact locally. We strive to engage in open dialogue with local organizations and institutions to establish an interconnected social network, which can enrich the local communities.

Joyful Purpose

We believe in joy and happiness as a basis and driving force for social change. Joy is the link between us and everyone else. We also believe that everything should have a purpose. Combining joy with purpose is what drives and motivates us.

Water for all

We want to enable everybody on earth to love unconditionally. We care about sustainability in all its aspects. We believe in the power of the community. Yet no human on earth can enjoy any of these without water. Water is life, and many people do not have the privilege to enjoy access to clean drinking water. Therefore, access to clean water for everybody on earth is a logical goal.

2. What are our core values?

One of our core values is the idea of universal and unconditional love. We endorse and promote the idea of human equality. We strive for creating a positive impact on a human level through both global and local projects.

Honesty and transparency underline everything that we do. Empathy, awareness and effective altruism lie at the core of the organisation and build the motivational foundation for all our projects.

We aim to be an open space where we communicate our ideas on a honest and peaceful basis and give everyone the chance to be creative. It is our preferred modus operandi that all members of Love Foundation are intrinsically motivated, take over responsibility through self-initiative and show commitment for our purpose and projects. We believe that a joyful way of acting and thinking results from endorsing the idea of love. At the base of Love Foundation is the idea that values have to be actively lived out.

3. What does Love mean for Love Foundation?

Love starts with oneself and expands to the outside world. It is an inclusive community spirit of joy and benevolence. Love manifests itself in accepting people for who they are. It is freedom of self-expression, care and tolerance for others.

Love Foundation wants to connect people, and we are always thinking about ways to do so. Love creates a sense of family, a sense of complementing each other. We dream of a global family of love.

We want to raise awareness of love, but we never force love upon anyone. We endorse a principle of non-violence. We are not keen on being against things, but we do not tolerate any kind of discrimination. Love Foundation creates safe places, where people can come together. We recognise that we are not always happy, and love also means understanding the negative in life. We strive to create positive change within ourselves and the community on the whole. We treat everyone with love and respect. Love Foundation works with the idea of love, yet does not hold any authority over the meaning of the word itself.

4. Is Love Foundation political?

We are not a political party but we have core values which can become political. Therefore, we as LF, are free to express our political opinion when it touches upon our core values.

On the one hand, we want to remain an independent organisation that is open to different opinions and ideas. Affiliation with politics could lead to exclusiveness, as one’s own political stance is an individual choice.

On the other hand, we should stand up for and defend our core values if they are being threatened or if we can support them for having a greater impact. Thereby, Love Foundation collectively can represent itself during political events when it touches our core values, given this takes place in an open, positive and constructive manner.